You, Whose Eyes Are Really Beautiful

8:25 AM oryza.sativa 0 Comments

Catatan: Tulisan ini sudah lama ngendon di draft, baru sempat posting sekarang. Hehe.

ki-ka : Kobra, Raihaneh, saya
Kebiasaan masyarakat Iran saat musim semi adalah menghabiskan waktu bersantai di luar rumah. Taman, menjadi objek tujuan utama, berkemah dan leyeh-leyeh menjadi kegiatan utama. 

Malam itu, Kobra, Raihaneh, dan agha Kafiyani mengajak saya leyeh-leyeh di taman di pinggir Sungai Bahmansyir di Ahvaz. Selama perjalanan menuju taman, Raihaneh memutar MP3 lagu-lagu Iran, dan saat itulah kali pertama saya mendengar lagu Chesmat ini. 

Alunan nada yang ringan menemani malam hangat musim semi. Sambil menikmati lagu, saya turunkan kaca mobil, lalu keluarkan tangan untuk merasakan hembusan angin yang begitu kencang. Saat itulah saya sadar agha Kafiyani ngebut banget boo ternyataaaa!!! haha.

Ngomong-ngomong, lagu ini adalah lagu Persia pertama yang bisa saya nyanyikan dengan baik dan benar -saya hapal lhoo.. hehehe, pamer!-.   Ini, saya bagi dengan Anda. Befarma*!

*Befarma : Silakan

Chesmat (Your Eyes)

تو که چشمات خیلی قشنگه
#reff : To keh cheshmat kheili ghashange
You. Whose eyes really beautiful

رنگ چشمات خیلی عجیبه 
Range cheshmat kheili ajeebeh
The color of your eyes really unique

تو که این همه نگاهت واسه چشمام گرم و نجبیه 
To keh een hameh negaahet vaseh cheshmam garm o najeebeh
You, whose this all face of you looks so hot and unique

میدونستی که چشات شکل یه نقاشیه که تو بچگی میشه کشید 
Meedunestee ke cheshaat shekleh yeh naghashieh keh too bachegi meesheh keshid
Dont you know that your portrait figure  like a childhood trace

میدونستی یا نه 
meedoonesti ya na
You know that or not?

میدونستی یا نه
meedoonesti ya na
You know that or not?

میدونستی که تو چشمای تو رنگین کمون و میشه دید 
Meedoonesti ke too cheshmaye to rangin kamoon o meeshe did
Dont you know that you give our eyes see rainbow colored

میدونستی یا نه 
meedoonesti ya na
You know that or not?

میدونستی یا نه
meedoonesti ya na
You know that or not?

میدونستی که نموندی 
Meedoonesti ke namoondi
You knew that you didn't stay

دلم و خیلی سوزوندی 
Delam o kheili soozoondi
You really broke my heart

چشات و ازم گرفتی من و تا گریه رسوندی 
Cheshaato azam gerefti man o ta geryeh resoondi
You took away your eyes and and did something that I was even about to cry

میدونستی که چشامی همه ی ارزوهامی 
Meedoonesti ke cheshaami hameye arezoohami
Did you know that you're my eyes (you belong to me) and you're all of my hopes and dreams?

میدونستی که همیشه تو تموم لحظه هامی 
Meedoonesti ke hamishe too tamoomeh lahzehami
Did you know that you're always all of the moments that I have? (You're my every moment)

back to #reff

میدونستی همه ی ارزوهام واسه ی چشم قشنگ تو پروندم رفتش 
Meedoonesti hameye arezoonahmo vaseye, cheshme ghashange to paroondam raftesh
Did you know that I blew off all the chances that I could have, just for your pretty eyes?

میدونستی یا نه 
Meedoonesti ya na
Did you know or not?

میدونستی که جوونیم و واسه چشم عجیب تو سوزوندم رفتش 
Meedoonesti ke javoonim o vaseye cheshme ajeebe to soozoondam raftesh
Did you know that I wasted my youth, just for your weird eyes?

میدونستی یا نه
Meedoonesti ya na
You know that or not?

میدونستی که نموندی
meedoonesti ke namoondi
You knew that you didn't stay

دلم و خیلی سوزوندی
delam o kheili soozoondi
You really broke my heart

چشات و ازم گرفتی من و تا گریه رسوندی
cheshaato azam gerefti mano ta geryeh resoondi
You took away your eyes and and did something that I was even about to cry

میدونستی که چشامی همه ی ارزوهامی
meedoonsti ke cheshaami hameye arezoohami
Did you know that you're my eyes (you belong to me) and you're all of my hopes and dreams?

میدونستی که همیشه تو تموم لحظه هامی 
Meedoonesti ke hamishe too tamoomeh lahzehami
Did you know that you're always all of the moments that I have? (You're my every moment)

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