7:24 AM oryza.sativa 2 Comments

Oke.. hari ini hari Jumat tanggal tujuh belas Juni tahun dua ribu sebelas. Saya merasa sangat labil. Mengapa? karena.. pertama, saya terbukti tidak konsisten untuk menceritakan mimpi saya di blog ini (jangan tanya kenapa. they're just toooo private:D), and im not gonna risking my image by putting my dream on public [jaim mode: on]. So, instead of telling you my dream, i prefer to be normal like other bloggers sharing their daily lives or thoughts or etc.

Anyway, since this past five months (start from feb-june) my house was being renovated, not entirely , just adding few rooms at 2nd floor and redone some part of the kitchen. The best thing is the kitchen is REDONE.

satu resep yang saya coba dari

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